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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-08-04  |  73KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: hakham | reckoner | sky
OCR: Working with the Brush Behavior Wndow, continued. CloJitTim The ClolitTim (clone jitter time) is used to control how often (in 1/60ths of second) to change the clone jitter. Every so often ne W offset randomly generated. This random ffset controls the sketchy look you can get wherloning. Multi When Multi is checked each brusstroke you do gets expanded into several brush trokes (the number of brush strokes determined by the N Multi slider, described above) You should set Jitter (described above) non- zero value distribute the brush strokes around your original stroke. It good idea to use short strokes when using Multi, since the strokes are rendered only when you finish your brush stroke. Window